Come over to the dark side with the inaugural episode of Wolfmana Late Night - the slightly more erratic, marginally more erotic after-hours version of Wolfmania the Podcast. This week Andrew and Tim drop the 'F' bomb and talk f*cking, fighting and freedom (oh and fear and football) like a pair of monstrous banter  machines. Or at least they try to. (In all honestly, if you found this episode on an Indian restaurant menu it would probably have two little chillies next to it. We are rubbish at banter).

Our Late Night Episode F features the songs 'Wolfmania Late Night' (amazing!) and 'How Do They Stay in the Air (Live from the Leicester Square Theatre) along with some piping hot locker room talk and all the toilet words left in. Your normal PG rated podcast will return next week, for a slightly friendlier and fresh-faced take on the letter F.

Let us know how you like the hot stuff by commenting below!